Originally conceived as a single-hole, 40-hour internal prototype for Paradowski’s Mini Masters event, the course was expanded to nine holes and outfitted with additional features including:
- Gameplay and UX on par with top experiences on VR app stores
- Incredible, performant 3D technical art spread over a dramatic desert landscape
- A new physics engine, PhysX, made by NVIDIA and used by the Unity game engine, that runs in the browser at 0.2ms per frame on Meta Quest 2
- Scripted in-game UI, tutorial, scorekeeping and endgame sequences
Direct URL: https://aboveparadowski.com/
Developer: Pardowski Creative
Developer URL: https://paradowski.com/xr
Source URL: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/above-par-adowski-mini-golf-par-t-2?path=README.md%3A1%3A0